Personal Projects

Below are several of my personal projects.

AI Blog Generation Website

IntelliBlog is an AI-driven platform enabling easy creation of engaging blog posts from YouTube URLs, uploaded media, and user prompts, complete with user authentication.

Group Spotify Application

Spotify Group Jam is an online platform that enables collaborative music listening. Users can join group listening sessions, with the host having full control over the music.

Web Scraping Class Search Tool

The Notre Dame Class Search Tool is a Python-based application that enables Notre Dame students to monitor class sections from Notre Dame’s Class Search website and receive email updates on seat availability.

Academic Projects

Below are some personal projects I completed during class. While not an exhaustive list, it primarily features open-ended creative assignments.

Class Planner and Recommender Website

CourseCrafter is a full-stack web application designed as a class schedule organizing and recommendation tool. It offers dynamic academic planning with a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface and an integrated course rating system.

Mario Kart Reinforcement Learning

This is an AI project that teaches an agent to play Mario Kart Wii via reinforcement learning techniques. The project utilizes PyTorch and the Double Deep Q Network (Double DQN) algorithm to train a model capable of in-game decision making.

Verilog Vending Machine

This is a vending machine implementation for FPGA boards in Verilog, which processes item selections and payments, calculates the total price, and displays the change due.

C Arcade Game

This is a single-player space arcade game developed using a graphics library in C. It features dynamically placed and moving asteroids, a scoring system, start and end screens, along with a real-time moving timer.